2012 Round Up

Lullabies whisper from an iPod across the dark room. A soft glow from the screen in front of me blocks the view of the toddler who is fighting sleep in the bed on the other side of the room. I sit here quietly, as a motivation for him to stay in bed in a strange location (grandma's house), but also because in the last few months, sitting with Levi as he falls asleep is one of my favorite quiet meditative times. So how fitting for me to use this time tonight to look through my blogging from 2012. I'm feeling sappy and grateful in so many ways.

I'm overwhelmed at the graciousness God has shown me in the last 12 months. When I renamed this blog My Hope Fulfilled, I was mostly talking about our recent adoption, but in my heart, it's evolved to so much more than that. My hopes are constantly being fulfilled, tiny or large, because this girl has a big, faithful God who answers prayers. And having a blog has been a really good way to acknowledge those blessings, answered prayers..hopes fulfilled.

That being said, I think I will use my last blog post of the year to recap my (yes) 12 favorite posts of 2012.

 Beach Baby: this post recaps one of the most special days and sweet realizations of the year

 Beautiful Things: My self proclaimed song of the year. I heard it at a wedding in April, used it in Levi's birthday video in August, and even got to help perform it at Girlfriend Getaway in the fall

 Chosen: the greatest yet most obvious biblical parallel I've seen between adoption and God

 The Civil Wars my favorite new-to-me band of the year

 I Missed Out and I'm Over It: 2012 was the year I got my first nephew! Meeting him also gave me a boat load of closure in the adoption department

  Return of the Bangs: six months later and the jury is still out on my bangs, but some days it's been a really fun addition to my face

 Round Two: to expand our family, or not, that is the question

 SettlingGod brought me to a place of contentment in our housing situation, and then a month later provided us with a new place to live

 This Is Why We Party: my justification for throwing a big party for someone who won't remember or notice the details gleaned from hours of pinteresting

  We Have No Explaining to Do : open adoption is really awesome, and the comments we get from people are entertaining, too

 When Both Shoes Drop You Put Them Back On: May was a tough month for us financially, but things worked out pretty well in the end

 WhenHabits Become Desires: this post has many things I have loved about 2012- Levi's incoming personality, lessons in obedience, and kissing toddlers

I also enjoyed doing my 12 Series, I think it stretched me as a writer to talk about some things I maybe wouldn't have otherwise.

I'm not sure what 2013 hold for me as far as blogging goes, but I'm hoping for more toddler antics, awesome God moments, and thoughts on a very loving and open adoption. Won't you join mr for the ride?

Now your turn - any favorite moments from your life or posts from this blog that you loved in 2012? Anything in particular you'd like me to write about in 2013?

Happy new year!!


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