Profile Book

One step closer.

We have finished our homestudy, paperwork, doctor visits, clearances, etc, etc, etc.  Currently, we are awaiting on our "official homestudy approval," which is basically a document that outlines the results of our homestudy (for the courts) and at that point we will be considered "paper pregnant."  We're hoping to be able to announce our paper pregnancy in the next week or two.

While our social worker is busy typing up our homestudy, I have been busy making our profile book.  I already placed the shutterfly order, so if you find an error in it, don't even tell me. ;)

This book will be what an expectant mother will be handed if she goes to Bethany Christian Services and asks to make an adoption plan.


  1. Yay! Congratulations!
    We are "paper pregnant" as of this past Friday. 😄

  2. It looks great!!! So happy for you guys. :)


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