Still Holding

The amount of blogging I've been doing is directly proportional to the baby obsessing I've been having.  I'm hopeful and content, and just plain loving summer.  Potential situations come and go, and I don't get my hopes up as much as I used to.

Today, I told Jess I woke up with a happy/hopeful/yet sad feeling because I dreamed about our baby again last night.  Jess said it reminds her of the times when we used to dream about dating a crush, and wake up with that wonderful newly-in-love feeling, yet realizing it was just a dream.  Yeah, it's like that.

I still know, if I could meet our someday birthmomma, I would still be a groveling fool.

I am holding on to the dream that God is writing an ending to the story of our journey to parenthood that is so fabulous that it is nothing short of a miracle.


  1. I know exactly the feeling you're talking about, and you've described it to.the.letter. It really stinks, and I'm sorry.

    There is an ending to the story, and it is amazing. I hope you get to find out for yourself sooner, rather than later.

  2. the story will be written and you'll be blessed for following Him!!


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