My First Dream About Him

If you know me well, you know that I am one of the most vivid dreamers. Not that they are ever prophetical or anything like that, but they are in color, very real, and often very entertaining. I have dreamt about adoptions, pregnancy, and babies a lot before, but last night was the first time I had a dream about OUR baby.

In the dream, we received our approval letter and within hours we had been selected by a birthmother. We didn't get to meet her, and the baby was pretty much just dropped off at our house after birth (which is not the way it happens). He was so tiny and new and holding him felt so good! There was no fear that someone would take him away and I just knew he was ours. Sarah (my sister in law) came over right away to take me out to breakfast and shopping for essential baby things. We were so unprepared for the little guy that I was toting him around in a backpack! And he was wearing one of the onesies I actually have bought already.

So, not that we're having a boy or that it will happen like this, but it was so neat to dream about it. Thanks for that little clip of hope, God. It was refreshing.


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